Selasa, 08 September 2009

Seks’s Education On Adolescent

Sexual education is a way of teaching or education can help young mudi-life problems to come on the encouragement of sexual abuse. Dengan demikian pendidikan seksual ini bermaksud untuk menerangkan segala hal yang berhubungan dengan seks dan seksualitas dalam bentuk yang wajar. Thus sexual education is intended to explain all things related to sex and sexuality in the form of a natural. Menurut Singgih, D.
Seks's education used to mean as lighting about seks's physiology anatomy man, venereal disease danger, etc. There is education even seks who will be worded in here is that seks's savvy someone can understand about mean, function and to the effect seks, so it can channel its one good manners, really, and legal, "said Drs. Bastian (The teacher of Senior High School number one in Padang Panjang). Seks's education divides stripling to constitute preventif's action and gives robustness self that they heavy duty to crime and sexual abuse," said Zarfiel Tafal, Director Executor PKBI (Indonesian family planning congregation), Thursday (4 / 9) noon.
Seks's education according to Arif Rahman Hakim is conduct process to be aware and systematics at schooled, family and society to pass on process sexualing to terminological religion and already been established by society. According to Dr. Abdullah Nashih Ulwan, education seks is teaching effort and lighting about sexual problem that given unto by child since it understands problems that berkenaan with seks, instinct, and marriage. With so, if child was mature, it will get to know problem that is prohibitted and is allowed; even can apply islami's behaviour and won't accomplish its sexual instinct by that don't islami.
According to Sarlito in its book Adolescent Psychology (1994), in common sexual education is an information hit seksualitas's problem clear and right man, one that cover its happening process impregnation, pregnancy until natal, sexual behaviour, sexual relationship, and health aspects, psychological and sociological. Sexual education problem that is given deservedly gets bearing with prevailing norm at society, what do be prohibitted, what does prevalent and how do it without breach prevailing order at society. According to Singgih, D. Gunarsa, forwarding sexual education material this necessarily been given after-glow while child was beginning asks about genital difference among her and others, continual and gets phase, adjusted by requirement and child and energy age catches child( in practical Psychology, child, stripling and family, 1991).
The purpose of sex education as follow :
Provide an adequate understanding of the changes in physical, mental and emotional maturity process that are associated with sexual problems in adolescence.
Provide knowledge about the errors and irregularities that sexual individuals can maintain themselves, and against the exploitation that can disrupt the health and physical their mental.
To reduce prostitution, fear of sexual exploration is not rational and excessive sex.
Provide understanding and condition that the individual can do to make this sexual activity an effective and creative in many different roles.

Two factor why sex education really necessary for stripling. First factor is whereabouts growing children become stripling, they have seen by sex education. Second factor, from misunderstanding stripling about seks and anatomy health reproduces them, at societies social environment, other thing is on the market just one bounds of commodity, as media that present things that gets porn character.

The reason thet point towards sex education for the teens are :
Adequate guidance would always help prevent teenage pregnancies.
Besides teenage pregnancies being a health hazard, adolescents are mentally unprepared to handle pregnancy, childbirth, and parenthood.
Sex education will help teenagers appreciate the negative impact of teenage pregnancy on their education, and consequently on yheir future, so that they would take necessary steps to avoid it.

Some important issues in providing sexual education, as described by Singgih D Gunarsa (1995) the following perhaps you should note :
Should disclose how fair and simple, do not look in doubt, or shame.
The contents of the briefing should be presented objectively, but do not explain the not-not, seems to be aimed at children will not ask again
Shallow or visceral its description content shall be adjusted by requirement and with childs formative phase.
Flake-Hobson (Joice, 1996) states that sex education in schools should be teaching, among others, include:
Allowing children to participate in accordance with the expression of sex in them, their personality and their interaction with friends in class.
Invite students to discuss on matters related to decorum of the type of opponent.
Introduce students to the development of sex roles. Misalnya seorang perempuan akan menjadi siswa yang berstatus ibu rumah tangga atau isteri. For example, a woman will be the students who are housewives or wives.
Providing tools audio visual (sight of - red) on the development of sex roles to the students and invite them to discuss.
Introduce students to a variety of sex roles between men and women.

The best educators are the parents of the child itself. Education provided is included in sexual education. In discussing sexual issues is that is very personal and requires a familiar atmosphere, is open from heart to heart between parents and children.
In providing sex education to the children do not wait until children ask about sex. Sebaiknya pendidikan seks diberikan dengan terencana, sesuai dengan keadaan dan kebutuhan anak. Sex education should be provided with planned, according to the circumstances and needs of children. Sebaiknya pada saat anak menjelang remaja dimana proses kematangan baik fisik, maupun mentalnya mulai timbul dan berkembang kearah kedewasaan. We suggest that at the time of the adolescent children where both the physical maturity, and their mental nascent and growing towards maturity.

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